CAITLIN CARNAHAN started Diamond Day Bouquet after falling head over heels in love with flowers. After working several years painting scenery for theatre in Seattle, Caitlin began her agricultural life as a vegetable farmer. She and her partner Greg ran away from the city in search of the good life. After much adventuring they landed on Vashon Island managing a small vegetable farm. Every season the flower patch grew a little larger, and after relocating to the Olympic Penninsula they were able to realize their dream and buy five acres to grow on - Diamond Day Bouquet was born, as well as their two beautiful children. Greg is a teacher at our local high school and is the farm’s handyman, voice of reason and saving grace. You can find our lovingly-grown flowers at The Port Townsend Food Co-op, The Chimacum Corner Farmstand, or at The Seattle Wholesale Growers Market.
Feeling a deep connection to the land we steward, we farm organically at Diamond Day. We never use any harmful sprays or pesticides and stay away from harmful floral foam in our designs. By growing all of the flowers we use in our designs, we are engaged and invested in every aspect of our floral creations, from seed to soil to vase. 80% of the cut flowers sold in the United States are imported. By choosing local and understanding how your flowers are grown and where they come from, you are not only making a meaningful and contentious choice, but a beautiful one. Just as a tomato bought at the supermarket in January cannot hold a candle to a locally sourced, in-season heirloom slice of heaven, a fragrant and fresh flower is a completely different experience from one shipped across the world drenched in chemicals. A locally-grown flower reflects its place and delights our senses — it reminds us what flowers are supposed to be!